Monday, April 23, 2012

What to Work on in Costa Rica - 4-23-2012

Casa Brian in Playa Samara, Costa Rica

I'm out in Playa Samara now, about one quarter of the way down the Pacific Coast, staying at a small place called Casa Brian. I've been here for few days now. I came through here three years ago and stayed two weeks longer than I intended. Samara is small, mellow and off the beaten path. Casa Brian attracts an inexhaustable stream of cool and interesting people. My last trip ended here and I very well may spend this entire trip here. In some ways, Casa Brian and Samara are my Walden Pond. Being here removes me from the 24/7 news/distraction bombardment of Los Angeles. I have the peace and time to work on a few things, myself most of all. So, what about myself will I work on?

I want to more ably love other people unconditionally, myself unconditonally, and the world around me unconditionally. More specifically, I want to learn to love other people without feeling like I must possess them. I also wish to learn to be loved without feeling like that love would interfere with my own freedom. I'm not necessarily talking about romantic love, either. Imagine a needy friend who clings or a jealous parent who discourages a child from having friends. Both people show love, but tained by possession.

I think Casa Brian is a good starting venue for this work because there will almost certainly be a steady flow of cool people through here who I WON'T be able to hang on to. I'll have no choice but to enjoy their company for several days at a time and then let them go.

Bottom line is that I feel like I've mastered freedom now. Now I want to learn how freedom and love, in all its forms, are not mutually exclusive.

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